The Seniors Advisory Committee is beginning its new term this month. We are very happy to have five new members join us: Monica Camporese, Clemencia Gómez, Ashok Puri, Elaine Wass, and Honghao Xu.
We hope to continue work on several important goals this term, including our pursuit of the “Global Age-Friendly City” designation from the World Health Organization; our social isolation & loneliness project; improvements to street safety & infrastructure; accessible public transit; and our checklist of essential features for accessible seniors’ housing.
If there are any issues you feel our committee should address, or if you would like to attend a meeting, please contact us.
For new members, the following documents may be useful:
- Procedure Bylaw, which regulates the procedures of Council and its committees and other bodies
- Guidelines for Civic Agencies, which provides general guidance on day-to-day operation of civic agencies
- Code of Conduct Policy, which sets minimum expectations for the behaviour of Council officials, staff, and advisory body members in carrying out their functions