Author Archives: Eddy Elmer

Linking Seniors’ Services Event

SAC members Eddy Elmer, Eva Wadolna, Sharon Fenton, Dellie Lidyard, and Clemencia Gómez had a great time representing the Committee at the fourth annual Linking Seniors’ Services event. Sponsored by the Vancouver Foundation, this day-long event at the Roundhouse Community Centre was a gathering of professionals … Continue reading

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SAC Applauds TransLink for Hearing Our Concerns and Making $1 Million Commitment to HandyDART

SAC chairwoman Chris Morrissey was on the Bill Good Show this Tuesday to discuss the $1 million in additional funding that TransLink has pledged for HandyDART service this year. “This will have a major impact on seniors,” said Ms. Morrissey. … Continue reading

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Healthy City Strategy Idea Lab

Eddy Elmer and Eva Wadolna had a great time representing SAC at the Healthy City Strategy Idea Lab. Eddy’s idea to start a Dementia Detectives program to train apartment managers to recognize and assist tenants with cognitive impairment was well-received by his group!  

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SAC Motion Regarding Cuts to United Way Funding

The United Way of the Lower Mainland recently announced that it is cutting $1.65 million in funding to 31 seniors’ groups, many of whom rely on these funds to administer programs to prevent and ameliorate social isolation and loneliness. Social isolation and loneliness are major … Continue reading

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Multicultural Festival at South Granville Seniors’ Centre

Many thanks to the South Granville Seniors’ Centre for inviting SAC members to the fourth annual Seniors’ Multicultural Festival. In attendance were Eddy Elmer, Eva Wadolna, and Councillor Tony Tang, the Committee’s liaison. We enjoyed amazing food and live entertainment from many … Continue reading

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SAFER Benefits Increase After SAC Request

Earlier last year, SAC called on Council to ask the Province of British Columbia to increase the subsidy for adults participating in the Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters program (SAFER) administered by BC Housing. The request was made in response to the growing gap … Continue reading

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B.C. Appoints Canada’s First Seniors’ Advocate

The Committee is delighted to hear that the Government of British Columbia has appointed Isobel Mackenzie as Canada’s first Seniors’ Advocate. According to a press release from the the Ministry of Health, “Ms. Mackenzie will have a broad mandate to … Continue reading

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SAC Meeting at West End Seniors’ Network, March 21

We will be hosting another outreach meeting on Friday, March 21, 9:30am-12:30pm at Barclay Manor, home of the West End Seniors’ Network. Barclay Manor is at 1448 Barclay Street, at Barclay and Nicola. If you have any aging-related comments or … Continue reading

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Regional Roundtable on Social Isolation of Seniors

Communications & Outreach chair Eddy Elmer represented SAC at the Regional Roundtable on Social Isolation at the Morris Wosk Centre for Dialogue. The event was hosted by the National Seniors Council as part of its 2013-14 mandate to study the causes, … Continue reading

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Statement on Casa Mia Rezoning Application

SAC has met with City staff to discuss the proposed rezoning of the the Casa Mia property in Southlands to include a 62-bed Community Care Facility for older adults. Although SAC welcomes additional housing and services for older adults across the … Continue reading

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Update: VCH Agrees to Our Recommendations for Dogwood Lodge

On February 5, Council unanimously approved an amended version of the Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment Policy Statement. We are pleased that Vancouver Coastal Health has heard our concerns about the original statement and has agreed to most of our recommendations. Among … Continue reading

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SAC Plays Key Role in New Taxi Driver Training Program

The SAC is pleased to announce the introduction of ‘Ask-Listen-Act’, an enhanced training program that helps educate taxi drivers about providing appropriate services for older adults and people with disabilities. SAC’s Transportation and Mobility Subcommittee, in partnership with the Persons with … Continue reading

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Council Defers Decision on Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment Policy Statement After SAC Objections

Vancouver City Council voted today to refer the Pearson Dogwood Redevelopment Policy Statement back to staff for further discussion and revision. Both the Seniors Advisory Committee and the Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee have been critical of this policy statement because … Continue reading

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Vancouver Asks Canada Post Not to End Door-to-Door Mail Delivery Pending Further Consultation

At its regular meeting today, Vancouver City Council voted unanimously to ask Canada Post not to eliminate home mail delivery—the first G7 to make such a move—pending further consultation with communities across Canada (see video). Our Committee was shocked to learn … Continue reading

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Participants Needed for UBC Exercise Study

Dr. Samantha Harden is a postdoctoral fellow working with Dr. Mark Beauchamp, an associate professor of kinesiology at UBC. Dr. Beauchamp has received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to conduct a randomized control trial to increase exercise … Continue reading

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Congratulations to Jill Weiss, Winner of 2013 Access & Inclusion Award

Many congratulations to our colleague, Jill Weiss, who won this year’s Access & Inclusion Award from the City of Vancouver. Jill is the chair of the City of Vancouver Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee and is also a member of … Continue reading

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SAC Passes Motion to Improve Street Lighting

The Committee has been very concerned about poor lighting levels across the city. Tardy replacement of burnt out street lamps and lack of sufficient lampposts along sidewalks and intersections is a serious impediment to the safety and mobility of older … Continue reading

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West End Seniors’ Network Responds to West End Community Plan

The City of Vancouver recently released its draft of the City’s first-ever community plan for the West End. This plan will help shape the future of the West End for the next 30 years and focuses on neighbourhood character, housing, local … Continue reading

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Kitsilano/Hadden Park Bicycle/Pedestrian Pathway: Incorrect Reports

Reports have been circulating that the Seniors’ Advisory Committee supports the construction of the separated bicycle/pedestrian paths through Hadden and Kits Beach parks. These reports are in error. The SAC has not been formally consulted about this project and, as … Continue reading

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BC Association of Community Response Networks

At our last SAC meeting, Barbara Kirby from the British Columbia Association of Community Response Networks gave a PowerPoint presentation about the role of community response networks. Community response networks (CRNs) are groups of concerned community members who co-ordinate networks … Continue reading

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